'Challenges in Green Space Design in Istanbul'
I took part in the Trans-making- "A multilateral network of academic and non academic researchers in the fields of Art, Culture and Economy" as a Marie Scklodowska Curie Fellow at University College London, Center for Global Prosperity Department. The programme focused on strengthening research capabilities between the Trans-making partners around the world by Collecting, Documenting / Exploring, Experimenting / Performing / Designing. ( https://trans-making.eu/fr/project) My mobility as a member of BIS Digital Art Initiative (https://trans-making.eu/fr/partner/16457) had been held between the dates 15th May- 13th June 2018. And I have created the following blog flow from the experience and my amazing activities that I had find chance to attend during this period. (http://transmaking.amberplatform.org/en/category/london-selen-catalyurekli/)
During this period, i was quite lucky that i had become one of the lecturers at ‘(Un)Urban’ Designing for the green city’ summer school organized by UCL, Institute for Global Prosperity. Even, preparing such a presentation on this matter itself has been a challenge for me. How could I summarize the ‘crazy’ and ‘complex’ current urban debates on green spaces designs to the audience who had never been in a country before.
The lecture was for the 1st and 2nd year bachelor students and it was about the ‘Challenges in Designing Green Spaces in Istanbul’. The students have summarized the matters i had been talking about, in their blog post at the following link: https://uclunurban2018.wordpress.com/group-2/
Here is a short piece from the presentation: